Do you believe most women are not nice?

Do you believe most women are not nice?

If you know you were born to serve and empower women, but you’ve had bad experiences in the past with groups of women, you’ve found the right community!

Do you believe most women are bit- not nice? Do you believe groups of women always become toxic and full of drama? If you believe any of this, I’m here to tell you THESE ARE MYTHS.

Women actually want to support and trust other women, but most of us don't know how. I sure didn't.

My fear of getting hurt held me back for too long from finding my family of female entrepreneurs. The leaps of faith, the scrapes and bruises, the successes - it's all in a book I wrote in 2022, a 90-Day Planner for Fempreneurs. I’m going to share a few gold nuggets from the book with you right now… how I built my family, a group of women building businesses and unbreakable bonds called the

YYC Fempreneurs Community.

FACT: Jealousy, insecurity and abusive behaviour happens in the absence of powerful, positive female leadership.

FACT: It is possible to serve and lead other female business owners without ego or fear.

What is a “Fempreneur”?

The term “Fempreneur” is used over and over in my books and in this community, so it’s important you know what it means. A Fempreneur is any woman who has a business, had a business in the past, is dreaming of starting her own business, or is in a leadership role at a charity or non-profit organization.

It’s fun to work with women!

My thirty-year-old self would not believe I’d say this out loud, but it’s actually fun to work with women! Relationships in general have challenging moments, whether we’re talking about a spouse, child or bestie. And we’ve all had friendships that ended, for one reason or another. Not every bond is meant to last forever, but you will not see more unbreakable bonds than those in the YYC Fempreneurs. The community has been built on the principles I’m going to share with you now, plus there are more in the 90 Day Planner.

One of the key principles of building a group of Fempreneurs is have fun with your Fempreneur Family!

Your Fempreneur Family

The number one reason why Fempreneurs feel unsuccessful or quit their businesses is they don’t have a Fempreneur Family. They don’t have a team of women who think like them. Without like-minded women supporting you, sharing ideas and what’s working, you will feel like you’re sinking as much as swimming. I will admit that I started the YYC Fempreneurs Community for selfish reasons at first: I was ready to open up to new friendships with talented, go-getter women like me! I wanted them to spur me on to be better! I wanted them to share their best ideas with me and give me feedback on my business and marketing ideas!

And that’s exactly what I got (and so much more!)

Ditch the tough-girl solo act

Being a female business owner is often associated with being tough. I played the tough-girl solo role for too long in my career. If I hadn’t opened myself up, I wouldn’t be able to say I have almost 200 graduates through Fempreneur Marketing School, a program I developed because too many women were struggling with social media marketing. I did want to serve women, but the main reason I started a marketing school was because I wanted a Fempreneur Family. I moved away from my family after high school and have generally never been close with my blood relatives. Since I started my financial consulting business in 2014, I have built my own family and 90% of them are entrepreneurial women.

Inviting a group of women to come into my life and being real with them was terrifying. And of all the leaps of faith I’ve taken in my life, it was by far the best one.

You can tell yourself you are perfectly happy and content staying in your family bubble, talking about kids and your next vacation and so-and-so’s jerk boss, but I promise you this: you need a Fempreneur Family. You need women in your court who get you because they are you. You also will never be able to grow a community of Fempreneurs if you don’t branch out from your current comfy inner circle.

Know your role

Accept the fact that few women know how to behave in a group. Many groups of women lack firm boundaries and a leader who embodies what she expects of her community members. Women want to support, celebrate and share tips with other women, but they’re afraid to. Your role is to lead by example. Show them how to behave in a group of women. This is a huge role that is summed up by this statement:

Your job is to create an environment where safety, fun, education and deep connections are your top priorities. No one component is more important than any other.

Thanks for reading this excerpt from my 90-Day Planner. I’d love to help you grow your business by sharing more of my tried and true marketing strategies. Here are 3 ways you can jump in:

  1. Free - click here to begin my FREE 22 Day Instagram Marketing Challenge! Over $5000 value - FREE!!!

  2. Fempreneur Marketing School, 6 weeks - Click here to learn more!

  3. Author Coaching + Group Support for women who want to write a book and make it available on Amazon - Click here to learn more!

How I Built Fempreneur Marketing School (Interview with Tiana Fech)

How I Built Fempreneur Marketing School (Interview with Tiana Fech)

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