Do people feel like you're "SELLING" to them?

Do people feel like you're "SELLING" to them?

Do you like to be “sold to”?

Do you like feeling like someone wants you to buy something more than you want to buy it?

Do you remember the last time you felt like someone was selling you something, even if you felt you wanted to buy it?

Selling is different than marketing. Here’s how we define these two common business terms in Fempreneur Marketing School:

When “marketing” is done correctly, the business owner opens a conversation by being genuinely interested in getting to know their niche people. This builds relationships. The natural next step is they seek out ways to gain knowledge and/or purchase offers (products, services, events and workshops) from the business owner.

Selling is transactional. The message feels rushed and there is no need for a relationship. Selling is the exchange of money for a product or service and rarely is the business owner genuinely interested in understanding the needs of those they are selling to.

There are many reasons why “marketing”, when compared to “selling”, is a much more effective long-term business growth strategy. Here are the top 3 reasons:

  1. People will speak highly of a business owner who makes them feel seen and heard, thus resulting in referrals from people who aren’t yet clients.

  2. People who feel like a business owner truly cares for them will feel comfortable asking for new products or service and are more willing to give feedback on their experience. Because there is a trusting relationship developing, the client wants to help the business owner succeed and will offer helpful suggestions and ideas - pure gold for a business owner!

  3. Marketing is designed to grow a community first, and as the community grows, the business income naturally grows. For example, the goal of marketing is often not to have someone purchase something. Marketing campaigns are often designed to invite a niche group of people to take part in a free workshop, watch a video or download a free resource. Those who are impressed will naturally want to learn/experience more by making a purchase - no selling required!

If you want to get away from the uncomfortable feeling of selling to people and instead get better at showing more of your servant heart by effectively marketing yourself online, learn more about Fempreneur Marketing School at!

Or, if you are a marketing school grad, learn how to turn your area of expertise and your life stories in to a Life-Changing Book for your niche people:

My New Book "How To Write A Book" (Draft)

My New Book "How To Write A Book" (Draft)

How I Built Fempreneur Marketing School (Interview with Tiana Fech)

How I Built Fempreneur Marketing School (Interview with Tiana Fech)